
Mårten Ejderos

Actor and drama/theatre pedagogue and pyrotechnician for theater

Since last...

Winter/Spring 2024

Spring is approaching and I have a few different things going on.

I continue to work at the Cultural School in Växjö one day a week, the spring is overturned by the groups having to do their own projects.

I will also start working one day a week in Tingsryd with theatre.

We are in the starting pits to play murder mystery at Möckelsnäs, date to come later.

Stay updated on their website.

Murder mystery in Kosta will hopefully come during the spring/summer.

I continue to write my own scripts and will rehearse a script by August Strindberg to see if I will stage it sometime in the fairly near future.

This summer I will once again assume the role of Hälge Älg in Kosta.

But I'll also play farce a few times this summer, more about this soon!



Drama and theater teacher


Mårten Ejderos

Actor and drama/theatre educator

About me

Acting drama and theater teacher who is also a pyrotechnician.

I have played theater most of my life, with a short break of about 12 years in the middle where I worked as a preschool teacher and was active on the board of various organizations such as Förbundet Vi Unga, Stockholms Ungdom and Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan.

When I was in my second year at Kulturama, I realized that my interest in both being on stage and directing and teaching is great. When I plan a set, I start with what the audience will see and, above all, how they will see it.

Contact me!

Ejderos Acting

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Some of my inspirations

Micke Klingvall, Director and teacher.

Micke was my teacher at the Kulturama acting course. Have taken a lot of inspiration from him both in terms of acting but also the teacher and director's part. His view of how the audience should perceive the performance just by the stage being a certain way and the audience sitting a certain way has been incredibly helpful to me. Below you will be taken to his website.

Keith Johnstone

He too is a pioneer in improvisational theater and its teaching techniques. Link below is to one of his books.

123 schtunk

Is a group that works, among other things, with clowning and improvisation. The first time I saw them was at Kristianstad's theater in 2000. My world was shaken by joy and excitement. They improvised Hamlet and called Hamlet if we have time. That performance has given rise to many thoughts and stories over the years, I also wrote about it and its impact on me when I was studying to become a drama and theater teacher at Stockholm University.

Link - National Theater in Sweden

Link is newly written drama for schools and young amateur ensembles (15-20 years). The National Theater commissions plays from the country's hottest playwrights and gives school and amateur ensembles the opportunity to put on new plays, specially written for them.

Viola Spolin, Theater teacher and actor.

Wrote lots of books on improvisation and teaching techniques. Link below is to one of her books.


Unique is a leader in Scandinavia in pyrotechnics and fireworks. That's where I got my training as a pyrotechnician and that's where High Chaparral gets its pyrotechnics from.